Creating a Health Data Marketplace for the Digital Health Era


  • Imtiaz Khan, PhD Associate Professor of Data Science, Cardiff School of Technologies, Cardiff Metropolitan University, Cardiff, Wales, UK
  • Mohamed Maher MedTech, Entrepreneur and Director of innovation, Balsamee LTD., Cardiff, Wales, UK
  • Anjum Khurshid, PhD Associate Professor, Harvard Medical School, and Chief Data Scientist, Sentinel Operations Center, A Harvard Pilgrim HealthCare Institute, ton, Massachusetts, USA



dementia, diabetes, digital health, hypertension, non-communicable chronic diseases


The author posits that the establishment of a blockchain-based health data marketplace where EHR, IoMT, and wearable-derived data can be monetized by selling it to data consumers like medical professionals, researchers, regulators, third-party (e.g., AI service providers) and policymakers can solve this data centralization problem.


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How to Cite

Khan, I., Maher, M. ., & Khurshid, A. . (2024). Creating a Health Data Marketplace for the Digital Health Era. Blockchain in Healthcare Today, 7(2).

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