PharmaLedger Association – Platform Launch Lessons Learned and Outlook

ConV2X 2023 CME Session


  • Natalia Sofia Web3 Advocate
  • Daniel Fritz Executive Director, PharmaLedger, Basel, Switzerland
  • Disa Lee Choun Head of Integrated Clinical and Operational Analytics, Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Slough, United Kingdom
  • Moderator: Anca Petre CEO, Medrise Studio, Paris, France



application of blockchain technology, blockchain technology in the pharmaceutical industry, compliance, data access, decentralized ledger technology, patient empowerment, patient-centered control, blockchain regulatory frameworks


The panel explores the application of blockchain technology within the healthcare sector, focusing on its potential to enhance trust, transparency, and connectivity while reinforcing patient-centered control of data access. The discussion examines the opportunities for patient empowerment and improved patient access to healthcare information through decentralized ledger technology. The panel features industry experts providing insights into current trends, challenges, and future prospects of blockchain in pharmaceuticals, emphasizing broader use cases beyond specific organizations. 


  1. Gain a comprehensive understanding of the role of blockchain technology in the pharmaceutical industry and its potential impact on patient care and relationships with the healthcare system.
  2. Explore the opportunities presented by blockchain for improving trust, transparency, and audibility in data sharing within the healthcare and medical environment.
  3. Understand the significance of patient-centered control in accessing, storing, and utilizing healthcare data and how blockchain can contribute to enhancing patient empowerment.
  4. Discuss the challenges and considerations associated with implementing blockchain in the pharmaceutical sector and explore strategies to overcome them while ensuring compliance with regulatory frameworks.


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regulatory frameworks



How to Cite

Sofia, N. ., Fritz , D. ., Lee Choun , D. ., & Petre , M. A. . (2024). PharmaLedger Association – Platform Launch Lessons Learned and Outlook: ConV2X 2023 CME Session. Blockchain in Healthcare Today, 7(1).