Ensuring Trust in Pharmaceutical Supply Chains by Data Protection by Design Approach to Blockchains





blockchain, data protection by design, EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), pharmaceutical supply chain, trust


Pharmaceutical supply chains are complex structures including various actors, and blockchains are seen as a promising solution to increase effectiveness and overcome some of the main challenges in these supply chains, especially the lack of trust. However, the European Union has set strict rules in the domain of pharmaceutical supply chains in order to protect patient safety and public health, and using blockchains brings further legal requirements to comply. Among these requirements, personal data protection is of utmost importance because it has been argued, for years, that blockchains and the EU data protection regime are in conflict by their natures. However, it is also claimed that when rightly designed and combined with other technological solutions, blockchains can offer great opportunities to enhance data protection. Nevertheless, blockchains’ potential in pharmaceutical supply chains has not yet been realized as most use cases are in the Proof of Concept or pilot stages.

This paper will examine the debates around blockchains and data protection with the objective of drawing constructive conclusions on whether blockchains solutions can be designed in data protection-enhancing ways and whether this can help realize blockchains’ potential in pharmaceutical supply chains, particularly by creating trust.  For this purpose,  this paper takes the example of an ongoing EU-funded innovative research project called PharmaLedger as a case study to concretize its theoretical examinations. This project is chosen since it gathers together a wide variety of stakeholders representing different interests and aims to create a digital trust ecosystem in healthcare, by providing a widely trusted platform that supports the design and adoption of blockchain-enabled healthcare solutions while accelerating the delivery of innovation that benefits the entire ecosystem from manufacturers to patients.


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How to Cite

Kayhan, H. (2022). Ensuring Trust in Pharmaceutical Supply Chains by Data Protection by Design Approach to Blockchains. Blockchain in Healthcare Today, 5. https://doi.org/10.30953/bhty.v5.232



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